My Art

The Aniva lighthouse

The Aniva lighthouse

Aniva Lighthouse was built by the Japanese in 1939 on a cliff off the southern coast of Sakhalin, a thin island 950 km long, located east of Russia, between the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The island was mostly uninhabited until the 1800s.

In 1951, the San Francisco Treaty was signed, officially transferring ownership of the island to the Russians.
Now Aniva lighthouse is abandoned. Its seven floors with diesel engines, battery rooms, custodian living quarters, radio equipment, storage rooms, a large pendulum with a clock mechanism (for adjusting the optical system) and a 300-pound mercury pool (as a low-friction rotation surface for the lens) still sound an echo. only with the roar of the waves on the surrounding rocks.

If you would like to purchase a painting or enquire about the price please contact the artist directly

Project Details

  • 2019

  • Canvas on Lein,Oil

  • 50x70 cm